SCR 500 report 2023

SCR 500 report 2023

UN Academic Impact

UN Academic Impact
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Equities stagnant over the long-term

September 27, 2013. New York – Despite seeming volatility in the sentiment of analysts’ statements on major stock indices, over the long term, there has been little change in analyst assessment of the S&P 500, DAX 30, and FTSE 100, according to new research from Media Tenor International.

“While there is a very slight upward trend for the S&P 500 and a slight downward trend on the DAX 30, analyst sentiment over the long-term has been relatively consistent and with a slightly positive outlook,” says Racheline Maltese, a researcher at Media Tenor International.

“Overall, analysts are cautious on equities,” Maltese notes, adding that forward-looking statements from financial analysts show both less negativity towards stocks and less positivity. “The caution is extreme, especially regarding U.S. stocks and companies that have significant business in the U.S. due to the ongoing political anxiety around the debt ceiling.”

Media Tenor found that stocks that trade as part of the FTSE 100 receive little attention in quoted analyst statements, and that DAX 30 companies are a more frequent subject of comment in international opinion-leading business media.

“Quoted analyst sentiment can be a key part of market performance for investment objects of all types,” Maltese says, adding that Media Tenor’s research suggests that stocks and other investments that receive little media attention are innately risky, because of a lack of reputational insulation against a possible sudden influx of negative reporting.

For additional information, or to schedule an interview with Media Tenor, please contact Racheline Maltese, 646-263-3731, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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